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Domino CLI

The Domino command line interface helps users to set up and run a local Domino platform, as well as organize and validate their Domino Piece repositories. You can use domino --help to see the available commands and options. The available commands are:

  piece-repository  # Pieces repository actions
pieces # Manage pieces in a repository.
platform # Domino platform actions
run-piece-docker # Run Piece on Docker container
run-piece-k8s # Run Piece on Kubernetes Pod

domino piece-repository

This command handles Domino Piece repositories. It allows the user to organize, publish-images, release or delete-release.

domino piece-repository organize

This command is used when you want to validate and build your repository.

  1. Validate the folder structure.
  2. [optional] Build docker images for the pieces.
  3. [optional] Publish images to github container registry.

domino piece-repository publish-images

This command is used to publish the images of the pieces to the github container registry. It is useful when you don't want to run organize and image publishing at the same time.

domino piece-repository release

This command is used to release a new version of the pieces in the github packages.

domino piece-repository delete-release

This command is used to delete a release from the github packages.

domino pieces

This command is responsible for handling with the Domino Pieces. It allows the user to create new pieces. You can use

domino pieces --create <piece_name> --repository-path <path/to/repo>

to create a new piece. This is the easiest way to create a new piece, as it will create the folder structure and the necessary files for you.

domino platform

Perform actions on platform level like prepare, create, destroy, run-compose, stop-compose. It is used when you want to create or destroy a domino instance using kind or docker-compose.

domino platform prepare

Prepare the environment (local folder) for running a Domino platform with Kind. It will create a config.toml file with all necessary configuration for the platform.

domino platform create

Create a Kind cluster, installing and running all necessary Domino services.

domino platform destroy

Destroy the Kind cluster and all Domino services.

domino platform run-compose

Run Domino services using docker-compose.

domino platform stop-compose

Stop Domino services using docker-compose.

domino run-piece-docker

CLI used by the platform for running a piece using docker containers.


If you are not a developer of Domino package you should not use this command.

domino run-piece-k8s

CLI used by the platform for running a piece using kubernetes pods.


If you are not a developer of Domino package you should not use this command.