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Pieces repository


The easiest way to start your Pieces repository is to use our Template for Pieces repository. You can either clone it using git or use our CLI command domino pieces create.

A Pieces repository is a git repository that contains multiple Pieces available to be used in Domino Workflows. A Domino Pieces repository should contain:

  • a pieces/ folder containing all Pieces folders
  • a dependencies/ folder with all Dockerfile and requirements.txt files defined as Pieces dependencies
  • a config.toml configuration file
  • a .domino/ folder containing the dependencies_map.json and compiled_metadata.json files, which are automatically generated by the Github
Repository folders and files structure
├── Dockerfile_2
└── requirements_1.txt
└── FirstPiece/
├── metadata.json
└── SecondPiece/
├── metadata.json

Piece Folder

The pieces/ folder should contain all the Pieces in the repository. Each Piece folder name should have the sufix Piece and follow a standard organization and contain certain information to be able to be found and used by your deployed Domino instance. Example:

Piece folder example
└── FirstPiece/
├── metadata.json

For detailed information on how to create a Piece, see Create Pieces.


The /dependencies folder should contain all the requirements.txt and Dockerfile files that were defined as dependencies in the metadata.json files of the Pieces in this repository. Example:

Dependencies folder example
├── Dockerfile_1
├── requirements_1.txt
└── requirements_2.txt


The config.toml file stores the configuration variables for the repository. Example:

Repository's configuration file
# The name of the github owner, must be in lower-case letters
REGISTRY_NAME = "github_owner_name"

# The name of this Pieces repository
REPOSITORY_NAME = "example_pieces"

# The label of this Pieces repository, as it will appear in Domino GUI
REPOSITORY_LABEL = "OpenAI Domino Pieces"

# The version of this Pieces release
VERSION = "0.1.0"

Github actions

Our Template for Pieces repository provides out-of-the box Github actions to validate, organize and publish your Pieces images. Whenever the config.toml file of a pieces repository is updated, the actions will run and some files will be automatically created or modified inside the repository's /.domino folder:

  • A dependencies_map.json file
  • A compiled_metadata.json file

Besides that, the actions will also create the following artifacts within the repository:

  • A VERSION.tar.gz file will be created as a release asset
  • Docker images will be built and published to the repository's container registry (in Github this is named Packages). One image will be created for each dependency group, as defined in .domino/dependencies_map.json file.

For the actions to run successfully, make sure that under your repository Settings -> Action -> General -> Workflow permissions the option Read and write permissions is selected.


The actions are triggered only when the config.toml file is updated.

Piece repository action